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| Application Checklist | Speculative Application | Spelling Style | Most Common Mistakes |

Application Manager
Application Checklist
Speculative Application
Spelling Style
Most Common Mistakes
Curriculum Vitae
Job Interview


Templates and sample letters

The cover letter gives the first impression of your person and should therefore show the most important in short and tight trains.

In this case, consider the following points:

  - Subject to Job Title
  - How did you hear about the open job
  - What sets you apart especially for that body from
  - Mention the side dishes in the accompanying letter

Below you will find some templates for applications. Customize each application and go to the one advertised position in the application letter and lift the requirements that you meet out. If possible, complete the application letter with 2 - 3 strengths which may be on the job of interest within respect. But stay with the truth and invent no properties or strengths you do not own.

Template 1
Template job application
(Application as Sales Manager)


Template 2
Template job application

 (Application as Waiter)

Template 3
Application sample
(Application as Transport Manager)

Consider the templates really defined only as examples of how an application can be designed and do not use the full text. Your individuality should be in all cases incorporated so your person comes to bear and noticed the reader that you really interested for the advertised job.

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